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Gloucester Academy

Structured Revision

What is ‘Structured Revision’?

  • specifically designed task set regularly with a clear deadline

  • 1 hour / week for CORE subjects

  • 1 hour / fortnight for OPTION subjects

  • Repeats prior learning to help you remember it

  • posted onto Google Classroom for support 

  • detention issued for the next day,  after P6 if not completed

How does it work?

  • You will be given a sheet of information in your P6 session

  • You will also be given a set of 20 questions on a piece of paper - write the answers on there

  • these are fluency questions and designed to help you recall important information

  • the answers will be checked the following P6 for that subject - we will check using ‘1, 2, 3 … show me’ that you have answered all the questions

  • the next week, you will be given the answers and will need to correct your work - your MARKED work will be due in the following week. Anything that you got wrong is something that you will need to revise. 

  • You will be given 20 questions every week. You will mark answers to the previous questions every week. Your marked answers will be taken in every week.


  1. What if I was ill and missed P6?

Attendance is very important! All the SR tasks are uploaded to Google Classroom though, so there is never an excuse to miss the work!

  1. I lost my sheet - what do I do?

All the SR tasks are uploaded to Google Classroom though, so there is never an excuse to miss the work. You can pop in to the lunchtime support clubs to complete the tasks there if needed

  1. We had a family celebration, so I couldn’t do my SR task:

You have a minimum of a week to complete each task and access to lunchtime support every day in school - we expect the tasks to be completed

  1. I don’t understand the work:

Everything you need to answer the questions is on the information handout you are given. Don;t forget that there is support every lunchtime in homework club too!