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Gloucester Academy

Top Priority - Attendance to School

Dear GA Families

I am writing to thank you for your work in supporting the attendance of your child at Gloucester Academy this year.  Whilst it has been a challenging year for many, it has been inspiring to see our students and your children showing ambition, excellence and pride in their day to day education at Gloucester Academy.

As we come to the end of this academic year, we remain unapologetically ambitious for every student at Gloucester Academy.  That means that we expect every student to be at Gloucester Academy every day, with no shortcuts.  When we return in September we will expect every student in school, every day.  We expect that the whole community will support us in this.  The top performing school in the country has attendance of 98%, we will be the top performing school in the country and so we expect attendance of 100%.  As per my letter earlier this year, we therefore ask that when we return all of our families support excellent attendance by doing the following:

  • Ensuring students organise their bag and equipment the night before.  We ask all parents to check if students have done this. 
  • Making students go to bed early and have a full night’s sleep.  Remove mobile devices from your child’s room at night to support this happening.
  • Ensuring every student has a healthy breakfast each morning to prepare them for the day.  Fitness facilities will be available at GA from 7:15am each morning next year and breakfast will be provided there free of charge. There will be no entry to this facility from 7:45am.
  • Removing any barriers to the attendance of your child at school, and ensuring any holidays fit into the school holiday dates.  Any holidays in term will be unauthorised and may result in a fixed penalty notice.

Years 7 and 11 students will return to school on Monday 6th September 2021 and all remaining students on Tuesday 7th September 2021.  I wish all of you a restful and enjoyable summer.

Yours sincerely

Mr N Nabarro

Deputy Headteacher