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Gloucester Academy

Homework over the summer holidays - Year 10s

Dear GA Families

I am writing regarding our expectations for student homework over the summer holidays.  We know that students have worked exceptionally hard this year, and have made significant progress up their own personal mountains to the very best universities and professions.  We want them to continue this progress over the summer and into the new academic year.  We want all students to return in September well prepared and not having forgotten all the incredible information they have learned this year.

Homework to do over the summer

  • Maths and Science Revision Booklets
    • Work through the examples, complete the practice questions then mark your answers
    • These will be handed out in school and uploaded to Google Classroom
  • In other subjects’ students will take Cornell notes from their revision guides.  Students will be told which pages and sections to take their notes from
  • For subjects without revision guides students will be directed to do a specific piece of work e.g. Art

Full detailed instructions for each subject are on the Year10 Mountain Training 2020 Google Classroom in the Summer Homework Topic.  This will also be emailed to students’ school email addresses.


We expect that the Maths, Science and English work should take 5 hours for each subject, then choice subjects will take around 3 hours each.  If students do not complete this then they will need to attend Compulsory Homework Club when they return in September.

We strongly encourage students to plan out when they will complete this over the summer so as to best manage their time. This will mean that students can get the break they deserve but can still practice learning the important information they will need to excel in school and to climb their own personal mountains to the best universities and professions.

If you have any questions around homework at all please contact me using the email

Yours faithfully

Mr J Watson

Assistant Headteacher