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Gloucester Academy

GA Sport - Gum Shields

Dear GA families

As we move towards the halfway point of Unit 1, I would like to kindly remind you of the importance of your child having a gum shield within their core / elite PE lessons. 

Having a gum shield can prevent serious damage from occurring to your child's mouth, teeth and jaw when participating in a contact game of rugby.  Unfortunately, accidents can happen and having this piece of equipment can prevent injuries.  It is vitally important that they are equipped for a contact lesson by having this essential item when performing in a rugby lesson and a fixture during elite PE. 

As we come closer to starting rugby fixtures against other schools, having a gum shield is vital so PE members of staff can practise this skill within elite PE, without it, this can be difficult to teach your child the important skills which they will need to be successful in during fixtures against other schools. 

Although, this is not a compulsory item in order to do contact rugby, we advise your child to wear one within these lessons.  From 23rd October 2023, we will be participating in contact rugby and therefore, advise all students to bring a gum shield in preparation for lessons and fixtures during elite PE. 

A gum shield can be purchased from any sports goods shop or from the school ‘My child at School’ app at a cost of £2.95.

Thank you for supporting your child with regards to their commitment to sport and enrichment activities. 

Yours sincerely

H Barrett

Miss H Barrett

Head of Sport